Basic Samples

The Basic samples use only the free sub-set of ScriptX functionality, but never the less illustrate the power, flexibility and end-user usability enhancement that is provided by deployment of ScriptX on your documents.

Functionality available in the free subset


Illustrates the straightforward use of the freely distributable basic ScriptX printing functionality to set page headers and footers, paper orientation.

'Wide' Basic'

Illustrates the straightforward use of the freely distributable basic ScriptX printing functionality. The page to be printed is very wide - this sample illustrates the new 'Scale to fit' functionality that will be available as standard with IE7 and ScriptX makes available to IE5.5 and IE6 users. The sample also illustrates changing the template type in use.

No ScriptX Basic

Illustrates the simple page without ScriptX.

IE 7 Basic

Illustrates the simple page in an old document mode.

IE 7 Wrapped iFrame

Illustrates the simple page in an old document mode inside an iFrame.

ScriptX with frames

Provides a discussion of using ScriptX with framesets including printing of individual frames.

Note that the structure of the html document for this sample does not work with IE 10 or later standards mode so the document mode will be set to IE9 standards mode in these cases.

Always IE 7 Template

Illustrates the use of the freely distributable ScriptX printing component to provide the IE 7 printing experience on all versions of IE from v5.5 onwards. No scripting is used to alter headers and footers etc.

Header and Footer Font

Illustrates scripted control of the font used to print the document header and footer. User/scripted defined fonts for headers and footers requires Internet Explorer 8 or later and ScriptX 6.5.439 or later.

ScriptX Installed Version Information

Illustrates how to obtain the version of ScriptX installed on a machine - this sample will not attempt to install a new version of ScriptX or upgrade any current installation.