MADG uses ScriptX for the consistency and standardisation of Aircraft Job Card Certification documents and Employee Approval documents. Brett Davis, Head of ICT, Marshall Aerospace and Defence Group, explains:
“We have developed software to assist with planning, scheduling and execution of tasks or jobs in support of our Maintenance Repair Organisation (MRO). The ScriptX plugin has enabled us to deliver precision documents, which are used to measure and verify work completed on an aircraft during its time with the company, and also form part of the certified aircraft documentation that leaves with the aircraft.”
Having actively reviewed options and chosen ScriptX, MADG has been using ScriptX for nearly 13 years, making the most of regular free updates that keep the software current.
Brett Davis continued: “ScriptX has allowed us to replicate, with their approval, some MoD forms, to give us a more efficient process through our material despatch team.
“We find ScriptX quick and easy to develop with, and it has met a need to create Certification Documentation relevant to the Aerospace Industry. Employee Approvals for those qualified to work on aircraft need to be carried in printed form at all times. These are A6 format, printed on A4, to be folded into a booklet. It is quite complex to achieve but ScriptX has simplified the printing process. ScriptX is robust yet flexible; it increases the agility and mobility of our printing solutions.”