Beachcomber posted this 02 December 2013
Any ideas why I get this error when trying to print? If, while debugging, I continue over this error the printing does get done, but this isn't the case in the non-debugging mode.
The code is:
<tr class="singlebuttonrow"><td><input type="button" class="submit-button" onclick="CheckOrder('AUDI','N');removePageBreak('documents');factory.printing.Print(true, window);" style="cursor:pointer;" value="Print Documents" />
and it objects to the factory.printing.Print(true, window) line.
Declaration of the factory object, done in the <head> of this page, is:
<object id="factory" viewastext style="display:none" classid="clsid:1663ed61-23eb-11d2-b92f-008048fdd814" codebase="http://localhost:99/dweb/scriptX/7,2,0,36/,2,0,36"></object>
I'm new to ScriptX, so any clues would be very much appreciated.