I have encountered the following error on a windows 7 workstation under a specific domain user profile. Thus far I have tried resetting IE settings and all other variables surrounding IE that I can identify without success. Other users are able to use
this workstation without issue, which leads me to a profile related issue. Additionally IE64 bit works fine while IE32 bit throws the following error. The only version fo scriptx currently installed on the system is the 32bit installation. Have removed
and re-installed using the downloaded distribution package from ScriptX. Anyone encountered this error before with any idea what options I might try?
The license file format is not valid.
URL: https://cli-cert.emdeon.com/jsp/lab/login/DxStatus.jsp
LICENSE: /html/ScriptX/sxlic.mlf
GUID: {41939B13-2907-11D5-8F49-444553540000}
ERROR CODE: 8004044e
IE VERSION: 9.0.8112.16421