Community Forum

Mead Co add ons disappear each log on/off

Profile Image 1 Posts 1 Karma
jwc1962 posted this 30 October 2013

Hi, All,

Alas we are madated to use an educational administration website which requires a free version of ScriptX.

I am currently having the most frustrating issue on a 64 bit Win 7 installation using IE9.

Every time the user logs off and on, the Mead Co Scriptx add ons are removed. The only way to re-enable download and printing from this website is to run a ScriptX repair after every log in.

Anyone got any odeas what is going on? Any help much appreciated.

John Cahill

Profile Image 189 Posts 189 Karma
Jerry posted this 30 October 2013

I'm assuming that you made the install from ScriptX.msi when logged on as a local admin (mandatory, as below) and that you're working with the 32-bit copy of IE that MIcrosoft set as defaut on 64-bit Win 7. (As a free user you don't get access to the 64-bit ScriptX installers).


If that's all true, then I would have thought that this can only be server-side reset of some sort.


I'd be interested to hear when you do track it down.













The latest 32-bit .msi-based release packages are here:





Both packages contain the same bits, and these days the MANDATORY requirement for local admin privileges is identical regardless of whether you choose an online install ( or local (ScriptX.msi).




Please note that you can access these files from our site, but you shouldn't deploy them from there.




Download whatever you need and deploy them from your own servers.




FYI, here's the boilerplate for the local install:










Please do this (EXACTLY, in full, no workarounds available):




Log on to your PC(s) with full local computer administrator privileges:








**VITAL**: this will NOT work if you don't do this, or have someone else do it for you.




Please do NOT proceed past this point without access to local admin privileges (i.e. someone must be logged on as a member of your PC's computer administrator user group. NOT 'domain' or 'virtual' or 'remote' or any other sort of admin, this must be *local*).




If you are not the administrator for your machine you will need to contact your systems administrator for their help.












Run this file:





(Remember that you should right-click on the .msi file, choose 'Properties' and then on the 'General' tab click the 'UNBLOCK' button and then click 'OK' to allow the binaries to install correctly.)




This will install the current release of ScriptX.






Post Edited 30 October 2013