Community Forum

A null reference pointer was passed to the stub.

Profile Image 1 Posts 1 Karma
niramber posted this 27 March 2012

Im getting an error on a specific machine. printing  was working fine, but stopped all of a sudden and now thows this error:

A null reference pointer was passed to the stub.

Ive tried removeing and uninstalling both java and scriptx


any ideas?

Profile Image 189 Posts 189 Karma
Jerry posted this 07 April 2012

Re-install like this:

Log on to your 'problem' PC(s) with full local computer administrator privileges:


**VITAL**: this will NOT work if you don't do this, or have someone else do it for you.

Please do NOT proceed past this point without access to local admin privileges (i.e. someone must be logged on as a member of your PC's computer administrator user group. NOT 'domain' or 'virtual' or 'remote' or any other sort of admin, this must be *local*).

If you are not the administrator for your machine you will need to contact your systems administrator for their help.



Run this file:

This will install the current release of ScriptX.

Then clear your IE cache, navigate back to the ScriptX-enabled content you have been trying to work with and then try again.


How's that?  You may still see an error, but it will be a *different* error.

In that case please feel free to contact me again.
