jbc posted this 24 September 2013
Invoking factory.printing.Print to print a frame via a button in a html page, the first printing (sometimes
more) is ok, then I’m getting javascript error ‘Printing of the previous document is still in progress’ and the button hangs till I close the page and reopen-it. This happens with XP, IE8 and ScriptX With XP, IE7 and ScriptX 6.1.430.5 is working
fine. I’m using the free ScriptX. I need to migrate to IE8 and any help will be appreciated.
Object declaration in body section:
<!-- MeadCo ScriptX Control -->
<object id="factory" style="display:none" viewastext
//javascript function invoked to print frame
function sellar()
factory.printing.header = "";
factory.printing.footer = "";
factory.printing.topMargin = 0;
factory.printing.leftMargin = 0;
factory.printing.rightMargin = 0;
factory.printing.Print(form1.dialogoimpresora.checked, frmsello);
return true;