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Print margins lost?

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cmnetworx posted this 31 July 2014

Hello, I am running into an interesting issue. I am using the meadco script to print reports through a medical provider. I have set the margins in internet explorer to default to a top margin of .20 and bottom of .20. It keeps the settings everywhere except for where the meadco script is activated. It seems to default back to .45 for all margins. Is there a workaround for this? or a location in the registry where I can dictate the default margins for the meadco script? The page that prints out does not fit on the paper so it has to shrunk to print. 

I have already tried setting the margins for internet explorer via the registry and I have also set the printer to default the print scale to 95% however it seems like the meadco script does not read those settings or just sends directly to the printer and therefor the settings are not used.

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Jerry posted this 31 July 2014



ScriptX is designed so that any margin values called in script on a ScriptX-enabled page will be applied at print time *only*, with the user's defaults being restored when the job is printed.


Do you 'own' this content? If so, you can script any margin values you like for the print job.


Note that (a) you can't set margins that are smaller than the print driver's "unprintable area" settings and (b) if IE 'thinks' that the print is too wide for the default paperWidth it will automatically apply its 'Shrink to fit' algorithm and (c) you need to be sure what units of margin measure your printer is working in.


ScriptX-set margins will only get 'stuck' if your script seizes or power fails before we have a chance to retore the user's defaults, at which time a manual reset (IE file | Page Setup) is the only solution.


I hope that this helps.




Post Edited 31 July 2014

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cmnetworx posted this 03 August 2014

Unfortunately we do not own the content. It is a report that the user runs from an online medical service. We currently can set the page margins or select the shrink to fit options and the report will print out correctly. However this has to be done every time and does not stick.


Since the meadco script is called up only for this one service I was wondering if there is any way to dictate the defaults of the meadco script instead of IE. IE is currently set to "fit to page" and has margins on the top and bottom set to .20 Surprisingly IE actually obeys the commands, However on the meadco scripted print page it defaults the margins back to .45 top and bottom and shrink to fit disabled. Then once we leave the meadco page it does return to the default printing options. I am guessing there is no way to really dictate this, I am guessing the premise is so that the maker of the site can make every users browser print consistently based on the settings they pass to the meadco activex script? Which in this case that Should work, but for some reason on this particular pc it prints onto 2 pages vs 1. I suspect it could have something to do with windows 8. The windows 7 machines (printing to the same printer) do not have this issue.


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Jerry posted this 03 August 2014

I'm afraid that this is all in the hands of whoever 'owns' and authors that content.


"I am guessing the premise is so that the maker of the site can make every users browser print consistently based on the settings they pass to the meadco activex script?"


Absolutely right. That's very much what ScriptX is for. However if you contact me on with the name of the licensee (or the GUID value of the content's Security Manager object) we may be able to talk to them about ways to ensure that correct DOCTYPEs are being used for content that is displayed in Win 8.

