Initial verification

This test should be undertaken after software and license installation and before any further configuration to validate the installation of the license and the basic operation of the software. Please note that this same test can be repeated at any time after software configuration and is a simple "sanity check" on the software.


Some errors from any of the following installation and configuration processes can leave apparently orphaned processes. These processes do eventually shutdown but it can take some time (of the order of 5 minutes). Any MCSXHost process that appears will be due to ScriptX - it is safe to end these processes using task manager. Also, caching of DCOM settings seem to occur under certain circumstances. If in doubt that the most recent settings are being used, reboot the server.

Open a "Command Prompt" (on Windows 7 and later this must be an administrator command prompt), change to the directory to which the installation package was unpacked (for example c:\scriptx) and enter the following command:

cscript validate.js

or, if ScriptX 32bit edition is installed on a 64bit Edition of Windows:

\windows\syswow64\cscript validate.js

Potential errors and their resolution

Error Possible cause/action
The system cannot find the file specified.

The license is not installed. Double check that the GUID listed in validate.js is correct. Run "License Manager" from the "Mead & Company" folder on the "All Programs" start menu - your server license should be listed. If not, try to install the license again using the supplied sxlic.hta or sxlic.js.
Please note that the license must be listed in the Machine Licenses (Available to all users) section.

If you have installed the both the x64 and x32 Editions of ScriptX on an x64 Edition of Windows ensure you are running the correct edition for how you installed the license. Installed licenses are not shared across x32/x64; you must install the license for each edition.

Invalid HTML parameters specified for the license. The license revision number listed in validate.js is incorrect.
Permission denied The DCOM configuration of your server does not allow the interactive account to launch/access local COM server processes (there may also be a DCOM event in Event viewer)
Access denied You are not using an administrator command prompt.
PageSetup/Print Dialog system error: 00001008 There is no default printer for the account.
Invalid or missing publishing license when trying to print If the line "Attempting to create printer object - OK" line is present in the output followed by error on invalid or missing license then ensure that you are running the validation script from an administrator command prompt.


Successful completion of this test illustrates that the ScriptX components and the license are correctly installed on the machine and are working properly.

Subsequent tests will lead you through the configuration of ScriptX and validation that the use of ScriptX is functioning satisfactorily with your server environment.

As previously stated, these steps require a solid understanding of the security policies applied to the server and their configuration. Whilst these steps will be satisfactory for most scenarios, Microsoft are, quite rightly, shipping their servers with ever more secure environments; these steps assume that the SYSTEM account is allowed to perform DCOM activations and access.This may not be true for your system. If this is so, please read all of the following sections and apply configuration changes as they are required for your environment.


ScriptX uses the COM Local Server "MeadCo TriPrint Server"; this is the object that must be satisfactorily configured using the "Component Services" Admistrators tool (DComCnfg.exe).

Whatever the evironment - ASP.NET, or simply the interactive account (for validate.js) - the process utilising ScriptX must be able to both launch and access this component.

Please note that Windows Server 2003 SP1 and later have introduced more granular control of DCOM permissions allowing the separation of control of local and remote launch/access. ScriptX should only be configured for local launch/access.


::> Introduction to Configuration and Testing