Software installation

To install the software, a local administrator account is required

  1. Determine the editition of ScriptX you require. The appropriate edition will be determined by the edition of Windows:

    • Deploy ScriptX 32-bit Edition on x32 systems and ScriptX 64-bit Edition on x64 systems for Windows Server 2003 and earlier.
    • For Windows Server 2008 and later deploy ScriptX 64-bit Edition.
  2. The latest version of the ScriptX installers will be supplied with your license. However, if these have been mislaid then the installers are always available for download:

    1. Log in to your My MeadCo account
    2. Move to the Downloads page
    3. On the Current release tab, open the list of available downloads
    4. Download either ScriptX Installer x86 (MSI) or ScriptX Installer x64 (MSI) as appropriate for your needs.
  3. Run the appropriate edition installer to install ScriptX on the machine.

Note that the 'Per user' installer must not be used; it is required that the ScriptX Server side / Remote Printing binaries can be used by all accounts on the system.


::> Installing the license