Mobile printing with ScriptX
Mobile device browsers provide poor control over the printing of web-based documents; yet this control is exactly the thing that ScriptX provides to Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser on desktop PCs. So to achieve the control required, printing needs to be shifted from the mobile device and its browser to the Microsoft Windows Server that delivered the content. This is what ScriptX server-side printing provides.
In content delivered to PCs, developers using ScriptX in their solution can provide a ‘Print’ button on the page that the user clicks and the document is printed at the client. Similarly, the developer can provide a ‘Print’ button on content delivered to mobile devices; the mobile user will touch the button, but instead of printing on the client the request is delivered to the server where the required document is printed to any local or networked printer available to the server. All of this comes with the familiar full level of control provided by ScriptX.
The whole process uses the existing Microsoft Windows based infrastructure and extends controlled printing to every type of tablet device, or smartphone, provided it has a web browser.
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